"Dog Separation Anxiety: Signs and Solutions"

Witnessing a dog's seemingly mischievous behavior, from following their owners around the house to wreaking havoc when left alone, might not merely be a sign of a lack of training or discipline. Instead, it could indicate the presence of separation anxiety in dogs. What is Separation Anxiety in Dogs? Separation anxiety occurs when a dog, deeply bonded with its pet parent, experiences stress and unease upon being left alone. This anxiety often manifests in destructive behaviors such as digging, excessive barking, and attempts to escape, creating a challenging and guilt-inducing situation for pet parents and those around the dog. Recognizing Signs of Separation Anxiety: Several common signs signal separation anxiety in dogs, including: Chewing furniture, beds, slippers, and household items. Increased panting and salivation. Scratching and digging at doors and windows. Unusual circling or pacing back and forth. Attempts to escape when left alone. Excessive barking and distressed beha...